Hello all! I hope you're having a good weekend.

I thought it would be a good idea to mention Beltane today, seeing as it's TOMORROW. I thought I'd give some insite into what it is, what kinds of magical things you can do to celebrate, etc.

So Beltane holds the spot on the wheel of the year between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and symbolizes the waking of the earth. April showers have brought the May flowers, and now we celebrate that! Beltane is often celebrated by holding bonfires, planting flowers and trees, and is also the perfect time for Handfasting ceremonies.

So what can we do to magically for Beltane?

This is the ideal time to do magic to bring in abundance, and to celebrate unions (whether they're romantic or otherwise). 

At Candle Wick we can help through a couple of our favorite products for this time of year:

I wish all of you the happiest Beltane! Thank you so much for reading.