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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

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1 minute reading time (222 words)

Weekly CMO

This week’s reading is about banishing the blocks that areaffecting your prosperity, and reeling in abundance.

Does it feel like you’ve been in a financial rut? Maybe you’reliving paycheck to paycheck, your business isn’t breaking even, or you’redrowning in debt. What got you here? Impulse spending? Poor investments?Thieves or incessant borrowers? Tornado Alley busts through all those negativeblocks, and obliterates them before your eyes. Whether their source resideswithin you or outside forces, shake off the effects of poor financial andbusiness decisions and move forward with a clean slate.

Scales of Justice tips the odds into your favor, pullsauthorities to your side, and brings you fair treatment. You’ve invested effortinto clearing the negative blocks on your finances, and now that will be justlyrewarded. Perhaps you’ll receive a raise, approval from your boss, or a lowerinterest rate on your credit card. Get ready for the pay off you deserve,because the ball is in your side of the courtroom.

You’ve cleared the blocks holding you from success, thescales are tipping in your favor…now it’s time to call in new business and opportunities.Querent Caller is a powerful candle that will attract the abundance you desireand deserve. Set a goal, put in the effort needed for it to manifest and watchyour success roll in!

Until next time, have a magical week!



Candle Wick Shoppe Associate

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Tuesday, 04 March 2025