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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Featured: World Magic: Ganesha and Lakshmi candles and Astro Magic: Neutralizer spray for Mercury Retrograde.

May2023 FullMoon

Tis' the season of opulence! 

The New Moon Eclipse in Aries is urging us to release and surrender to the infinite possibility of what it means to start fresh. This is a moment in time to release all of your burdens, surrender what you cannot control, and let the energy of prosperity flow in with ease. As we work to release ourselves from the debris of outdated constructs, we can also take a look at our goals and how to be steadfast in our actions towards success. A level of trust is needed from within to work cooperatively with the Divine, so lay down your burdens and follow your heart as you walk into a new season of abundance! At Candle Wick, we offer a plethora of magical tools to assist with setting you on the right path to manifesting a prosperous year. Our Lakshmi and Ganesha candle works wonders in removing obstacles from your path while opening the floodgates of heaven to fulfill your heart's desires. Also, Mercury went into retrograde in the Earth sign of Taurus. Retrogrades are times for us to slow down, re-evaluate, and reflect. This time around, retrograde season is asking us to slow down and re-evaluate what we value in our relationships and business endeavors. With the residual Eclipse energy and a retrograde transiting the cosmos, we can feel quite uncomfortable during this time. Balance the energy with our Mercury Retrograde 'Neutralizer' spray from our Astro Magic Line. Our sprays serve as a practical application to energy work, when burning a candle is unfavorable. Get the tools you need to work this energy in your favor, and ensure your ultimate success. 
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Our Doors are open again August 1st

94673325 2271257306517100 5978598865488576512 oWe at the Candle Wick Shoppe thank you all for your patience during this trying time. We are gearing up for our  reopening on August 1st and getting ready to welcome you back. We are filling the shop with products for you all to enjoy when we welcome you back. We will also be offering, while staff is available, video shopping. Once it is set up you will be able to video chat us and place your order then pick it up later.

While we are opening up we will require all of our dear customers to wear a mask while shopping with us. We will have hand sanitizer available near the door and are limiting the amount of customers in the store to keep you and our staff safe, happy, and healthy. We can’t wait to have you all back with us again.


175 W. 9 mile
Ferndale, Mi 48220
(248) 397-4811



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Update from the Candle Wick Shoppe - 4/20 ;)

protectionFirst off we'd like to thank our regular customers and staff who have been a major boost in keeping us from freaking out. It's an unprecidented time and we're all trying to keep it together as best we can. We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to our nurses, doctors, first responders and essential staff. While we get through this we rely on them as we never knew we woudl have to. Thank you. We will get through this together. Stay safe. 



jimmybannerShopping changes?:

This week we heard the good and the bad. Yes we can do curbside pickup. No there will be no instore shopping. Until there's a vaccine we have to take everybody's safety into account. Feel free to place an order with us and we will ship it out or if you're local bring it out to your car. Call the store if you need a consult on what candles, herbs and oils to buy or if you are looking for a specific gift. Someone will be manning the phone between 11 - 5  monday thru Friday.  Once your order is taken you will be called back with an available time for pickup. There will be pickup times on Saturday for orders placed during the pervious week. There will be no drop in store visits by customers at this time. Can't order til after 5 or on the weekend? Leave your order or questions in 


rosequartsYes our products are available everywhere:

Did you know you can find the Candle Wick Shoppe products in a variety of places. To make things easier for everybody you can find our products on Amazon, Etsy, our website and phone in orders. We can ship anywhere and local customers can take advantange of the pick up from store option for phone and web orders. There's a whole fb store thing but eh... we'll get to that later.  Check the website now for new items and specials. 

Stay up to date:

As we get back on track we will send updates out via all our social media (facebook, twitter, instagramlinkedin) and our newsletter. Feel free to sign up on any or all of those to stay in touch. Any questions left? Go ahead and contact us.
175 W. 9 mile Ferndale, Mi 48220 (248) 397-4811‬
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | hangouts: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Weekly Staff Pick- Rose of Jericho

Rose of Jericho



Rose of Jericho is a desert flower. It is the Resurrection Flower that brings needed change. In its dry form, it rolls around with the help of the desert winds, but on those rare occasions of rain, it will open up it's green limbs. When it dries up again, it will continue its journey. In your own home, it can be used as a spell to bring life or energy back in your domestic life. You can put it anywhere, but for re-energizing your home, the living or family room is best.

Just put into a bowl of water for a week. When the week is over, empty the bowl of water and let it shrivel back up. The following week, fill the bowl with water again. Repeat the spell as necessary, but if you don't need it anymore, just let it shrivel up and save it when you need it again. To bring money back in your home, follow the same ritual, but keep 5 coins in the bowl at all times.


We have them here at the shop!

Call today to order on at (248) 547-2987

Or visit us in the store located in Ferndale

175 West Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, Michigan

We also have a website!

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Medicine Bags

Medicine Bags 2

A Medicine Bag is a traditional Native American vessel containing various items that its owner believed held supernatural power. Great to hold stones, coins, or other charms and talismans. Our Medicine Bags come in a variety of colors, and many of them have lovely little charms on them, all for only $8 each!

The Candle Wick Shoppe

175 W 9 Mile Rd

(248) 547-2987

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Weekly staff pick - Root Votives

So we do sell large veriglass Root scents, but our votives are great for when you just want this smell for a major occasion instead of all the time. They're also useful to test scents that you're not sure about yet. Root's votive candles use only the finest blend of waxes for a pure burn that lasts up to 20 hours; essential oil enhanced fragrance produces a lasting sensory experience!

Root Votives


Located in Downtown Ferndale at 175 W 9 Mile just off Woodward.

Phone: (248) 547-2987

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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7-Day Candles are wonderful expressions of devotion.

b2ap3 medium Staff Pick7-Day Candles are wonderful expressions of devotion. Large, Colorful, and inexpensive, they're perfect for any altar space. These special 7-day candles depict particular deities. We have Obatala, Santa Muerte Eleggua, and Oshun!

Obatala is an Orisha from the Yoruba culture. He's invoked for help with legal matters and to calm those who are angry with you.

Santa Muerte is a folk saint from Mexico. She's invoked for protection, especially for LGBT persons.

Eleggua is an Orisha from the Yoruba culture. He's a trickster deity, but he's trusted to manage the veil between this world and the other side. He's invoked in order to address ancestors and other Orishas.

Oshun is an Orisha from the Yoruba culture. She's the head mama in charge! Orisha of sweet water. She's the youngest, sweetest, and smallest Orisha, but she's the toughest.



Located in Downtown Ferndale at 175 W 9 Mile just off Woodward.

Phone: (248) 547-2987

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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World Magic Candles

5World Magic Candles

Our World Magic Candles teach us that there is one world and that it's smaller than we think! These candles are handcrafted with intent and care for our own peice of the world and yours. Come and get them before we're all out!

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  1361 Hits

Statues of Gods and Goddesses

4Statues of Gods and Goddess

This Weekly Staff Pick this week are our lovely statue of Gods and Goddesses. You'll find Hindu Gods like Shiva, Saraswati, and Ganesha. We also have Orishas like Oshun, Yemaya, and Obatala. If you fancy her, we even have the Virgin Mary! They'll be sure to make your work or ritual space a holy one indeed!


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Gumball Poodle Socks!

3Gumball Poodle Socks

These raunchy, fun, and festive socks are great for your next pride event, party, or just for fun! Feeling wicked? Love your beer? Perhaps you're feeling fruity! Or just love Divine, a legend in the Drag community!

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Gumball Poodle! Socks

I can't talk about these socks enough! They're so funny, I had friends buying them through me! Excellent for Pride season! You're friends will be so jealous!3Gumball Poodle Socks

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LGBT Books

2LGBT Books

Do you have a transgender child or teen? Perhaps you are looking for magickal guidance as part of the LGBT community, or maybe you're interested in knowing more about the history of the community, or what other people's personal experiences in the community are. This pride month we are featuring a small collection of valuable literature related to our community and our struggle. Come in and pick up your copy before it's too late!

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Chakra Magic Candles

1Chakra Candles

Coventry Creations is proud to introduce its new candle line, the Chakra Magic Candles!

Set your intent, light the candle, repeat the suggested mantras on the side of the candle, and fill your mind's eye with the color of the related chakra to begin the magic. Big changes can take place with small shifts like this one. You are the magic make, you are the healer, and this is the tool you need.


For an introductions to the 7 main Chakras featured in this line, visit 

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Witches Brew Candles






Coventry Creations's Witches Brew line is fantastic, whether you just need their effects in your home, or are starting out in the Craft. Evil Eye banishes negative influence, Dragon's Blood can increase virility and adds a bit of push to your spell or intention, Original Witches Brew is for whatever you might need. Finally, Witches Purse is for prosperity and resources in general and money in particular.

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Dammit Dolls!

Dammit Dolls

These arent' the Voodoo Dolls you grew up with. These harmless, vibrantly colored dolls are the targets of your ire. Whenever you feel angry, go ahead and twist 'em, hit 'em, stomp 'em, just generally abuse them! Any pent up aggression, don't hurt anyone else, just abuse your Dammit Doll! This is the stress management toy any adult will find useful and any grandma will find absolutely adorable!

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Whether Saraswati or Lakshmi, Ganesha or Buddha, these tapestries will make a gorgeous addition to your living room, bedroom, or ritual space! Dazzling Colors, Vivid Images, you'll never want to take them down!

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Prabhuji Incense!

Prabhuji Incense

Sensual and exotic scents, names reminiscent of Hindu mythology, and a line of incense made specifically for each chakra, Prabhuji Incense is sure to add a lovely fragrance to any home or ritual space!

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Himalayan Salt Lamps

Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps

Light these up and introduce negative ions to your home or office space. Negative Ions mean happy feelings. Yay Science! Stop on by the Candle Wick Shoppe to pick yours up today! 

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Month of Jacki

Come in and let's talk about some of Jack's favorite things I'm the shoppe!


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Crossroads Candles are in!

Go to the crossroads with this limited edition Crossroads Candle. Can't
make to the shoppe? Give us a call and place a phone order! We can ship to


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