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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

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7-Day Candles are wonderful expressions of devotion.

b2ap3 medium Staff Pick7-Day Candles are wonderful expressions of devotion. Large, Colorful, and inexpensive, they're perfect for any altar space. These special 7-day candles depict particular deities. We have Obatala, Santa Muerte Eleggua, and Oshun!

Obatala is an Orisha from the Yoruba culture. He's invoked for help with legal matters and to calm those who are angry with you.

Santa Muerte is a folk saint from Mexico. She's invoked for protection, especially for LGBT persons.

Eleggua is an Orisha from the Yoruba culture. He's a trickster deity, but he's trusted to manage the veil between this world and the other side. He's invoked in order to address ancestors and other Orishas.

Oshun is an Orisha from the Yoruba culture. She's the head mama in charge! Orisha of sweet water. She's the youngest, sweetest, and smallest Orisha, but she's the toughest.



Located in Downtown Ferndale at 175 W 9 Mile just off Woodward.

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