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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

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1 minute reading time (187 words)

Weekly CMO

Today’s reading focuses on banishing any past roadblocks or negative energies that have been affecting your relationship with your significant other, protecting yourselves from future drama, and deepening your love and understanding for each other
Are fears, insecurities or jealousies taking a toll on your relationship? Don’t sit back and let negative energies tear you apart. Banish them! Needed Changes/Banishing brings discord to light, enables you to send it away, and to move forward in harmony and positivity. Discern the energetic changes that the two of you need to make, and then manifest them!
You’ve cleared the harmful energies that have negatively affected your love life, now it’s time to build a web of protection around your partnership. Use the Evil Eye candle to keep those previously banished energies from returning and new damaging drama from entering the picture. 
It’s time for a fresh start. Rewrite your relationship to be one of respect, love and understanding. Adam and Eve works to put you and your partner on the same wavelength. Come together to create a stronger commitment and deeper love. Have a magical week!
ShalomBecca-Candle Wick Shoppe Associate

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Weekly CMO


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Tuesday, 04 March 2025