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Full moon in Virgo March 1, 2018

MM Full moon in virgoA full moon in Virgo on March 1 during Coventry’s month of protection magic gives me pause. The Virgo energy is known for its panache for detail and being perfectionist, but I don’t see the momma bear here. Perhaps I need to dig deeper in Virgos abilities, which there are many.

Let’s look at this energy’s tendency to be a micromanager. We can work with this. Because mama bear has her eye on each cub’s move, a lot of disasters have been averted.

Micromanaging can be the protection we are looking for.

How much time and money can we save if we slowed down and examined the details and paid attention to everyone’s move and motivation? Probably a lot and a lot of grief too. I’ve got a candle spell that will help you be like the Virgo moon and keep all your ducks in a row. Leaning on the World Magic candle Lakshmi, we will ask this goddess to help us pay attention to how we are managing our money and investing in our future. Then we will call upon Ganesha, remover of obstacles, mental and otherwise. By setting our burdens at his feet and asking to be filled with grace and clarity we will be able to make the correct decisions.

Ritual Tools needed. A Lakshmi World Magic candle, Ganesha World Magic Oil.

The Ritual: Remove the packaging from the Lakshmi candle. With a pen, write into the wax the area in your life you need to get organized. Then smear a few drops of Ganesha oil

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Don’t know how to energetically protect yourself?
New moon in Aquarius February 15, 2018


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