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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Patty Shaw is the Vice President of Coventry Creations Ent. Inc. making spiritual products since 1992, author of the award-winning Healers Almanac, Wisdom of the 21st Century Goddesses 2008, Winding Road Publishing and co-author with Jacki Smith of award-winning DIY Akashic Wisdom, accessing the library of your soul 2013, Weiser Books. She is a...

Patty Shaw is the Vice President of Coventry Creations Ent. Inc. making spiritual products since 1992, author of the award-winning Healers Almanac, Wisdom of the 21st Century Goddesses 2008, Winding Road Publishing and co-author with Jacki Smith of award-winning DIY Akashic Wisdom, accessing the library of your soul 2013, Weiser Books. She is a certified Spiritual Counselor through UCM, CA since 1992 and uses the Akashic records, Reiki Master, Director of the CWS Reiki Healing Center. You can email Patty at [email protected].


Crying over your good fortune? That just won't due. Read this.

June 9 dont let em steal your mojoStressors of the week June 9, 2019: What will help me accept the good things in my life? Have you ever gotten sad when things are just getting  awesome and dreams are coming true?  It happens. Let’s ask the Coventry Oracle deck, how we can stop feeling guilty or sad and embrace the good in life?

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Money Draw Hoo Doo candle – “Stop feeling so poor and letting your fears (or guilt) tell you there is not enough to go around.”  This is called poverty mentality.  Did you know some very rich people struggle with fear around money and then start fearing people?  Don’t be like them, if you have prosperity in your life, it’s because you earned it.  Light the Money Draw candle to demonstrate you are a magnet for prosperity in any form.  Plus the Plus the best thing to do when you are abundant is to share. Be generous and keep the energy flowing

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Gossip Stop Hoo Doo candle – “Clear out the negative chatter that makes life toxic.”  Sometimes people get jealous of your good fortune.  They don’t see the road you traveled to acquire your new car, beautiful home or great job. Honestly what they think about you is really none of your business.  Let them be and keep on feeling gratitude for what you have earned.  I know you want to be loved and appreciated, but if the ones around you can’t be loving, then they are not your people.  Light this candle to shield you from petty conversations that are there only to bring you down. There is absolutely no good reason to be ashamed of being successful.

Card 3. Create what you desire – Inner Beauty Affirmation candle – “It’s a fact that your brilliance attracts the energy that money is made of.”  Like attracts like and your good fortune was more than just luck. You have a beautiful soul and its working overtime to show you all the good karma you’ve earned. Don’t worry about whether or not you deserve this boon, you have, simply because it’s here. Embrace this mana from heaven and show your gratitude by making it grow, by sharing and by being happy.  Invest in your future, yourself and any other worthy cause that brings you joy. Light this candle and let it refelct back to you your beautiful soul.  You shine like a diamond.

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at

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Why does my social life suck?

June 2 2019 stop messing with my funStressors of the week June 2, 2019: How do I create more fun in my life? Oh Gemini you do inspire us to put ourselves out there, but let’s face it, we can sabotage even the best laid plans. Let’s ask the Coventry Oracle deck, how we can stop sabotaging our relationships and plans and have some well needed fun?

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Evil Eye Witches Brew candle – “Make sure your love affair, friendships or plans are clear of the jealous haters that can cause damaging drama.”  Are you surrounding yourself with the right people?  The best way for a fun evening to go south is to share it with people who worry too much, compete with you or are not in to you. Take care of you by lighting this candle and let it be your bouncer in your circle of “friends”.  

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Querent Caller Hoo Doo candle – “You are the magnet for that love connection (friendships too) you are seeking. Send out the call and many will answer.”  If your inner voice is telling you that nobody likes you then it’s time to prove it wrong.  Light this candle, put on your party dress and a smile on your face and be the person you admire.  Like attracts like and if you want to be liked, you have to be likeable, just don’t cross the line of authenticity.  This way you will attract the right people into your life.

Card 3. Create what you desire – Protection Blessed Herbal candle – “It’s okay to keep a bit of yourself protected when beginning a relationship.”  There is good vulnerability and bad vulnerability.  On the one hand you want to let people in so they can get to know you and see they are with a real person. On the other hand you have to have healthy boundaries.  When you are not clear on the difference, light this protection candle and you will be cautioned when you are letting too much of your belly show.  It may come as a little sting to your ego or it may re-direct a person out of your life when you are not seeing that all they want from you is EVERYTHING.  Trust you are in good hands with Coventry candles and go have some fun with really cool people just like you!

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at

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  1841 Hits

How to stay grounded when you just want to escape

May 27 life is chaoticStressors of the week May 27, 2019: How do I stay grounded in reality when all I want to do is escape? Astro energies are making it really easy to check out this week. Absolutely that’s really fun, but not when you have important details to attend to and crucial decisions to make. Let’s ask the Coventry Oracle deck what you need to do to stay grounded during stressful times.

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Spiritual Cleansing Blessed Herbal Candle – There is way too much on your mind this week and the burden of it all is making living in a fantasy all too attractive.  Clear your mind and emotions of extraneous negative thoughts and feels.  Meditate with this candle and release all your angst into the flame so you can think again.

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Reversing Hoo Doo Candle – Put the brakes on your worrying and fussing. Then put your situation in reverse by leveling the playing field.  If all were equal, which idea, solution or opportunity shines a little brighter?  Follow that light and you will execute the exact plan that will transform your to do list into a ta done list. Light this candle to help you transform your stressors into strengths.

Card 3. Create what you desire – Come to Me Hoo Doo candle – Use your charisma to get you what you want and need to make your life easier.  Work smart not hard is the cliché of the week.  This will not only help you stay grounded in reality, you will create a life that is more palatable and still get the trash taken out. Light this candle to remind you that you can have your cake and eat it too.

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at

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How do I get in front of the right influencers?

Stop doubting yourself May 20 2019Stressors of the week May 20, 2019: How do I get in front of the right influencers in my life? This week is a great week for collaboration and getting noticed. Let’s ask the Coventry Oracle deck what you need to do to get noticed.

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Luck Affirmation – Luck is on your side this week. Your pot of gold is within reach so stop doubting yourself and get out there and network, make that call, or invite that business relationship in.  You will be seen and heard and listened to. 

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Happy Home Blessed Herbal candle – Replace chaos with peace, change discord into harmony, and drive out angst with serenity. It’s more of the same.  Calm down and believe in yourself.  You’ve done the work and you are ready for success.  Others will see it in you too.  Be confident because you have built a place for collaboration, a meeting of minds and you will be at the helm.  Don't let negative self talk be the reason you missed an opportunity.

Card 3. Create what you desire – Protection – It’s fun to share ideas and collaborate toward a common goal, still you need to make sure your interests are protected.  It just keeps honest people honest and those who are fair and just will totally get that.  Have an awesome week.

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading

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How to stay chill, when you just want to punch someone in the throat.

May 13 how do we stay chillStressors of the week May 3, 2019: How do we stay chill when we just want to punch someone in the throat? People will seem extra defensive this week, even when we are all just trying to get along and work toward a common goal. Take in the wisdom of the Coventry Oracle deck before you act.

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Adam & Eve Hoo Doo candle –You and your partner can be closer, feelings can be deeper, and the commitment stronger when you invite love back in. Love is a verb and it is time to start acting like it.  Believe it or not, how you respond to any situation is completely in you control.  If your hurt emotions are driving the bus, it’s time to take back the wheel.  You don’t have to respond to defensiveness with offensiveness. Use this candle to rekindle sweetness and compassion between you and your partner.

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Emotional Balance Blessed Herbal candle – When you are at the end of your rope emotionally, it’s tempting to just let it fly, only to regret it later.  Balance the underlying emotional cause of your own defensiveness and release pent up emotions in healthy creative ways. Save yourself a ton of grief and light this candle to make sure your emotional release flows gently and in balance.   

Card 3. Create what you desire – Dragons Blood World Magic candle – Amp up your charisma times ten with the help of this candle and your every wish for happiness will be returned to you.  No need to let other’s bad moods get you down when love is present.  Nothing levels the playing field of relationships like self- love and knowing that others are loved too.  It cuts right through the veneer of the bad moon, defensiveness and plain old crabbiness. Light this candle and expand your awareness of love and manifest peace, love and good luck in your life. 

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at our online Coventry Magical Oracle at

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Conversations are tough this week

Feeling like everyone has gone crazy?Stressors of the week May 6, 2019: Wow, communication is weird this week. Misunderstandings could rule the day if you let them.  Don’t escalate, count to 10 and calm down. Your working mantra this week is, be patient, compassionate and tolerant. Everyone is feeling confused. 

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Healing Affirmation –Ask for extra protection during times of stress. You are more vulnerable now.  Whether you are ill or overwhelmed, it’s not easy to be your best.  Make sure you are cocooned in love and protection while you get back to your true self.

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Lucky 7 Hoo Doo – Replace the black cloud over your head with one lined in silver and gold!  Good fortune starts with casting out all those evil thoughts in your head.  We can really misread a situation when we are confused our self.  Use this candle to clear your mind and see the situation for what it really is.  The truth will set you free.

Card 3. Create what you desire – It sucks to be you Wicked Witch Mojo – Get rid of crazy makers, and let them know that messing with you could seal their doom.  Ok, this is a little dramatic, but standing up for your self is a powerful way to self-care.  There is no reason to be a door mat when someone else can’t control their emotions.  Walk away from level 10 situations.  When they are calm, maybe you two can talk. 

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at our online Coventry Magical Oracle at

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Agonizing over decisions got you down?

agonizing over a decision apr 29Stressors of the week April 29: Making decisions. It could be your career, your stuff, your life direction.  Pick a candle or three to help you get focused, organized and decisive.

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

We pulled three cards from our Coventry Magic Oracle decks to get the perfect message for this week.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Shut your Mouth Wicked Witch Mojo candle –Listen to your heart and not the chatter of those gossiping Monkeys.  It’s great to get advice but ultimately you have to make your own decisions.  After you have heard the good intentions of others, level the playing field by looking at all your options as equal.  Which decision are you most drawn to when there are no obstacles?  Burn this candle to help you shut our well meaning but bothersome overhelping from others.

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Inner Balance – When the scales are balanced there is nothing left that needs to be healed. Indecision will create weakness and when we are weak we are scared.  How do you create inner balance?  You let the important elements of your life take precedent over the things that don’t matter and put your focus there. Burn this candle to create harmony between your mind and emotions.

Card 3. Create what you desire – New Moon Drawing Down the Moon candle – Everything is in position for you to let go of that final painful lesson.  What are you attached to?  Find out why so you can make the decision that is waiting to be made. Clear the path for your new beginnings. Burn this candle to prepare the way for the next chapter in your life, be it clean closets or a new career.    

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at our online Coventry Magical Oracle at

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Low Energy? Feeling Discouraged? This candle combo will help

Low Energy apr 21 2019Stressors of the week April 21: Unexpected changes.  Low energy, feeling confused or discouraged.  Pick a candle or three to help you with how you’re reacting to this week’s astro-energy.

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Coventry Creations products are here to help.

Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Problem Solving Blessed Herbal candle – For every problem there is a solution.  Don’t despair, put your energy into problem solving or surrender it to the higher power and watch for opportunities. They are put in your path purposefully.

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Reversing Hoo Doo candle – Fear is misplace faith.  Collect yourself and reverse your loyalties from someone’s weakness or carelessness to something with real backbone.  It could end up being you or your faith in a higher power. 

Card 3. Create what you desire – Prosperity Affirmation candle – Prosperity starts with your willingness to give and receive.  If you don’t have it to give, then it’s time to receive.  Light this candle and open the flood gates of prosperity.  Accept prosperity in every way it flows to you.  Don’t say no.  

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at our online

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How to take charge of the situation

Every Week the planets journey through our solar system and impact our lives in both helpful and antagonistic ways.  Here is how you can use Coventry Creations products to help you balance out the astral energy of the week. 

April 14 2019

Stressors for the week: Aggressive words used in conversations trigger us. Things are moving too fast to be fully comprehended and can lead us to making mistakes. Pick a candle or three to help you with how you’re reacting.


Card 1. Overcome your challenge – Healing Affirmation candle – Your volatile emotions are gumming up the works.  They are sending messages of fear or anger or jealousy.  You’ve got some internal strife to reconcile.  Heal your heart so your emotions don’t make you so vulnerable to the energy around you. 

Card 2. Transform fears into strength – Tranquil Home Hoo Doo candle – In our safe space, a tranquil home, we are relaxed and take life at a slower pace.  Whatever you heard and how it was delivered can upset your apple cart if you let it.  This candle will help you rise above the aggression and stay peaceful within. That is where your strength lies.

Card 3. Create what you desire – Road Opener Hoo Doo candle – The world is your oyster shell. You can take any irritant and transform it into something precious.  Use this Road opener candle to help you stay open minded enough to turn any opposition into an opportunity to learn something impressive about yourself.  Create your own pearls of wisdom.

These candles and more Coventry products are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale 248-547-2987 or online at Get an online reading at our online

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Full Moon in Pisces August 26, 2018

Full Moon in Pisces August 262018What do you get when you mix the full moon energy with the Pisces energy? You get a timeout to think about where you are going in life. It’s not the worst thing that could happen. Being reflective can be very revealing.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  2989 Hits

New Moon in Leo August 11, 2018

New Moon in Leo August 11 2018How can you not love a moon in Leo? Warm like the sun and courageous like the lion. There is one more thing about the energy of Leo the lion; it brings out the desire to be very honest.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1305 Hits

Full moon in Aquarius July 27, 2018

ArticleFullMoonMagic 470sqThe energy of an Aquarian full moon may be rebellious and eccentric, but it has some practical aspects to it too. This energy is great for pushing us forward and looking to the future with originality and a healthy amount of scientific and logical thinking.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1055 Hits

New moon in Cancer July 12, 2018

ArticleNewMoonMagic 470sqThank you Cancer new moon for giving us the opportunity to reflect on the past. We all need to do that from time to time. It will give us that 20/20 perspective on how it’s affecting our beliefs and attitudes. This month our focus will be on our relationship with money.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1663 Hits

Full Moon in Capricorn June 27, 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn June 27 2018We are under the influence of a Capricorn full moon. This means get to work! The energy of this moon is all about one step after the other all the way to the top (and without much rest either).

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1204 Hits

New Moon in Gemini June 13, 2018

New Moon in Gemini June 13 2018Heavenly bodies have so much to teach us. I have written years of Moon Magic blogs just from the wisdom of moon and her adventures through the zodiac constellations. Combine that with a theme and ta da, there is another layer of delicious thinking to enjoy.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1085 Hits

Full moon in Sagittarius on May 29, 2018

Full Moon in SagittariusPatty positively is my handle here at Coventry Creations. It was given to me years ago by Shelly. She saw me as the most positively inclined person she’d ever met. Sometimes she called me Patty Prozac, though funny, it’s not my favorite.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1217 Hits

New moon in Taurus on May 15, 2018

New Moon in TaurusThat’s bull. There is nothing in the character of this zodiac sign that instills falseness or intent to mislead. The Taurean personality is one of loyalty, sentimentality and hardworking and secretly desires to lavish in bubble baths and Godiva chocolates for a job well done.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  805 Hits

Full moon in Scorpio April 29, 2018

Full moon in ScorpioA full moon in Scorpio bring to mind a powerful woman who knows how to influence her world. This tremendously helpful energy uplifts and supports our efforts in manifesting a meaningful life. During the new moon, April 15th, we put in motion a clearing of any fear that is holding us back from taking a leap of faith into a new experience.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1114 Hits

New Moon in Aries April 15, 2018

New moon in AriesWe live by themes at Coventry. We’ve been doing it for years. It’s our way of teaching how to use our products. This is not exclusively about selling you products. Mostly we want to help you reach your goals and change your life for the better.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1222 Hits

Full Moon in Libra March 31, 2018

Full moon in libraThe Libra full moon is the essence of Inner Balance. It is impossible to be vulnerable when the scales are equally weighted because everyone has what they need. When this kind of fortifying is necessary, call down the energy of the Libra moon.

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© 2018-07-18 14:27:16

  1424 Hits