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Full moon in Aquarius July 27, 2018

ArticleFullMoonMagic 470sqThe energy of an Aquarian full moon may be rebellious and eccentric, but it has some practical aspects to it too. This energy is great for pushing us forward and looking to the future with originality and a healthy amount of scientific and logical thinking.

Even though creation happens in the now we do need to put into motion the best way to prepare for it. Today’s decisions show up in our future. So, what do you invest in now, that will grow into something wonderful later? Even if you have a clear picture of what it is and have already made solid step in that direction, fear and doubt can put a wobble in your plans.

Two things you can do to create faith, confidence and stability are, 1. Stay calm and 2. Put a little magic on it. In order to keep peaceful, spend time in meditation, breathing deeply and release excess adrenaline. While you are doing your breath work, visualize your body and auric field being filled with violet light. Stick with it until you feel calm in your mind and emotions once again. Now, let’s get magical. I am going to guide you into a meditation that will help you open to the answers you need. Read it first to help you set up a smooth experience.

Bring out your Money Magic Witches Union patch and place a Heart Blessed Herbal candle and an Answers Chakra Magic candle in candle holders. Place all of this in front of you. Create a sacred space and put your protection around you. Light the Heart candle to keep calm and serenity filling your heart, mind and emotions. Remember that when mistakes and missteps happen you can let them be teachers instead of punishers.

Now focus on the deep violet Answers candle. Memorize that color. Close your eyes and picture the top of your head being filled with that color. Watch as that color fills your entire head, then your throat and then your heart and then your emotions. Watch again as the color flows up to a ball of light 24” above your head, making a strong connection. This is your higher self. Now, let answers and inspiration flow down the violet thread into your thoughts. Let this energy full of answers and inspiration touch into your heart and emotions. Be still with this for as long as you can focus. When you are done, open your eyes and write down your impressions, inspirations, and other thoughts and directions you get. Repeat this exercise until you get the big picture of what you are doing and where you are going. Proudly wear your Money Magic patch to remind you of your connection with the universe.

Drop us a note on our Facebook page with your success stories! Post a picture of you wearing your Money Magic Witches Union patch.

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