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Storm's Weekly Breakdown for Sept 4, 2023 – Sept 10, 2023

Overall, the first week of September looks bright. On Monday, before Jupiter turns retrograde in Taurus, he trines Mercury — inspiring us to take an introspective look at our goals and big-picture objectives. This is a great time to explore all the options available to us and make informed choices.

Business opportunities could also be in the cards. iStock 1028489262

However, I recommend you wait until Mercury goes direct on September 15th before signing any documents. Later in the day, Jupiter turns retrograde in Taurus — a period of reflection and refocusing our goals to match our current needs. Taking some time now to review your plans could help ensure they are still aligned with your life’s journey.

On Wednesday, we hit the middle of the Mercury Rx cycle, which started on August 23rd when Mercury went retrograde in Virgo. Normally, when the Sun and Mercury meet, it's a time of lots of chit-chat and planning for the future. But since Mercury is retrograde, this is your chance to have some 'me' time and assess the changes you've gone through since May, when this aspect was last around. Use it wisely to figure out if there are any tweaks you want to make in your life. Now's the time to course correct if you need to!

This weekend is packed with potential, as the Sun trines Jupiter, one of the luckiest and most positive days of the year. Harness this energy to help you reach your long-term objectives or try something new that expands your horizons. Embrace this opportunity to use your creative thought processes and make good things happen! Just be aware on Sunday morning when intense feelings may arise due to the Moon opposing Pluto. Acknowledge your emotions, but don’t let them overpower you. 

Recommended:  Mercury (Astro Magic),  Crown of Success (Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate)Everything and Then Some (Wicked Witch Mojo)

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