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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

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Em's Picks: The Phurpa

Em's Picks: The Phurpa

A Tibetan Ritual Tool also referred to as a magic dart. Its used for destroying and slaying negative vibrations and evil forces. In present day, Phurpas are also used as a silent instrument in Feng Shui for protection. Little tidbit of pop culture did-ja-know, the Phurpa is actually featured in a popular movie from the 80's.b2ap3_thumbnail_emurphyphurpa.jpg

Forty points if you can name that movie. Extra points for quotes and the name of that Phurpa.

I'll be honest, carry one around like my name is Linus. I normally blog on the items I find to have a vast amount of versatility, however, this lovely dagger has had such an impact on my own positive vibrations that I felt I needed to share. We have a few left in the store, and I am positively in LOVE with them.

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