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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Don’t know how to energetically protect yourself?

LTM Dont know how to energetically protect yourself You may not want to hear it, but once you need protection, the damage has taken root and you are in crisis management. We certainly have a candle (or 5) for that and it works fast, but what if you could avoid having to spend time in recovery? What if you could avoid the attack in the first place?

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© 2018-02-16 11:40:50

  1317 Hits

Em's Picks: The Phurpa

Em's Picks: The Phurpa

A Tibetan Ritual Tool also referred to as a magic dart. Its used for destroying and slaying negative vibrations and evil forces. In present day, Phurpas are also used as a silent instrument in Feng Shui for protection. Little tidbit of pop culture did-ja-know, the Phurpa is actually featured in a popular movie from the 80's.b2ap3_thumbnail_emurphyphurpa.jpg

Forty points if you can name that movie. Extra points for quotes and the name of that Phurpa.

I'll be honest, carry one around like my name is Linus. I normally blog on the items I find to have a vast amount of versatility, however, this lovely dagger has had such an impact on my own positive vibrations that I felt I needed to share. We have a few left in the store, and I am positively in LOVE with them.

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Em's Picks : Altar Tiles

Em's Picks : Altar Tiles

Altar tiles hold a variety of uses depending on the user and the user's intent. They can be used or anything from a coaster to hold libation, to a focusing object to be used during rituals. The come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, materials, and even spiritual/religious reference. Altar tiles can be symbolic of deities, or even used to consecrate tools, herbs, or candles for the user's personal altar and beliefs.

The uses for altar tiles are endless. They are so easily adapted to what the user wants and needs. This is just one of the reason I love them. b2ap3_thumbnail_006.JPG

Here at Candle Wick, we've recently added a few to our line that we offer. We have a variety of sizes, material, and designs. I've already acquired one of these beauties for myself. 


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Breanna's Picks: Mojo Bags!

Breanna's Picks: Mojo Bags!

When I began learning about herbs and their metaphysical properties my favorite way to use them was in Mojo Bags and pouches. Creating Mojo Bags is one of the most fun and simplest ways to use herbs for whatever it is that you need. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, where you have your Mojo Bag is very important. Carry a Money Draw bag in your purse to help you attract prosperity and money-making opportunities, and keep a Protection bag in the glove compartment of your car when you drive (I find this gives me a bit of peace of mind). Or if you're trying to attract that special someone carry a Love bag in your pocket the next time you go out for a night on the town. 

We have great Make-Your-Own Mojo Bag Kits available here and they come with up to five herbs, a stone, and a small pouch with step-by-step instructions on how to create your Mojo Bag and cards on each individual herb and the stone and what they do within the mixture. 


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Breanna's Picks: Evil Eyes.

Breanna's Picks: Evil Eyes.

The term "Evil Eye" is used for both a look of jealousy or envy one gives another, and the charms used to protect one from such a look. In this case, I would be referring to the latter. Here at Candle Wick we love our Evil Eyes and we have quite a few, and we even have an Evil Eye protection candle from Coventry Creations. Many cultures in the Middle East and Eastern Europe have ways of protecting themselves from the aforementioned Evil Eye look that include the charms we have in our shop. They are often put on the front door or in a window, and people often put them on the door of a newborn child's room to keep them safe. I have Evil Eyes at home and in my car, just for general protection from outside forces. They bring great peace of mind, and have also been known to bring in good energy and luck.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we have them in six different sizes, depending on where you wish to hang your Evil Eye.

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