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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

IN STORE Special Fresh Wave Odor Eliminator 15% OFF This Week ONLY!

I love the way  Fresh Wave eliminates odor in a hurry! I can set it and forget it. Using the Carpet Shake makes my house smell like spring year round!

Fresh Wave Natural Odor Eliminator comes in a Crystal gel available in 8oz and 16oz sizes. Just remove the foil, set it, and forget it! Fresh Wave Natural Odor Eliminator is also available in a convenient Home and Travel Spray and Carpet Shake: perfect for getting rid of the after-holiday smells of upcoming Labor Day!



--Candle Wick Shoppe Associate


Freshwave Resized

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Murray & Lanmans's Florida Water 15% OFF THIS Week ONLY!! IN-STORE Special

Murray & Lanman’s Florida Water

Florida water is an incredibly universal tool for the physical world as well as the spiritual. I always like to say you can use it to cleanse your face or your sacred space. Highly effective astringent properties make it a useful aftershave and face-rinse. You may sprinkle it about your sacred area to cleanse the energy, or objects that have accumulated unwanted energy. As someone that practices healing arts in both spiritual and energetic means as well as the physical via herbal remedies and cures, this is a useful tool in my “magic bag” or my medicine chest.

This item is a must have for any healer or magical practitioner.

-Branden Lykins
Candlewick Shoppe Employee 
Florida Water Resized

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Shannon's Pick: Books!

This week, I chose to put our books as my choice for the staff pick. Our books at the store range from learning how to use crystals and herbs to how-to books on candles, akashic records, and more recently, even books on reiki! Some of our books are written by our very own Jacki Smith and Patty Shaw! If that's not reason enough to come check them out, I don't know what is! We have a wonderful selection of books here at the Candle Wick Shoppe, and I recommend everyone that can to come check out this great collection!

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Em's Staff pick of the Week!!!- Wall Scrolls

Em's Staff pick of the Week!!!- Wall Scrolls

So I was sitting and thinking, what can I pick, that we have in the store, that I absolutely love, and I haven't picked yet? Then it hit me, Wall Scrolls!!! I like to say I'm grumpy in the morning. Coffee and caffeine don't quite do the trick. I have book of inspirational quotes for the smart alack. I have to listen to some music with high energy (usually metal of some sort) and read a quote to get my morning giggle in. Not too long a go, I found a scroll that I absolutely loved, bought it, and now reading that scroll is apart of my morning giggle/ happy though before coffee. So, I've decided to spread the love and share the scrolls at 15% off in store only for the New Year kick start. Sale starts January 4th and ends January 10th.

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Breanna's Picks: Incense from Prabhuji's Gifts

Breanna's Picks: Incense from Prabhuji's Gifts

Prabhuji's Gifts has the perfect scent for whatever mood you are in. These incenses can go from earthy or soothing scents to lively, sweet and spicy smells. Some of my favorites include:

Balarama: Named after the elder brother of Krishna, Clove and Lemongrass create a calm, citrusy incense.

Gokula: Myrrh, Vanilla and Tulsi make this earthy combination the perfect meditation incense.

Hari: Brought together in this incense, Amber and Sandalwood are the ideal combination for clearing negativity from  your space and bringing positive energy in to take its place.

Yamuna: Vanilla, Copal and Amber bring into being a sweet and earthy atmosphere.

Each one is available here on the Candle Wick Shoppe website, and there are twelve sticks to a package.

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Breanna's Picks: HEM Incense!

Breanna's Picks: HEM Incense!

Hello all! This week our staff pick is all of our incense from HEM, which means that all scents from this company that we have in our store is 15% off. We have a variety of great scents, and some of our favorites include their amber incense, vanilla, patchouli and dragon's blood incenses. Each box contains twenty sticks (and we do have some holiday scents in that are eight sticks a box). Come on in and pick up some new scents!

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  1880 Hits

Sugar Skulls, etc.

Sugar Skulls, etc.

Happy October, all! Our Autumn and Dia de Los Muertos items are in! Pictured above are our sugar skull banks, but we also have a ton of magnets, mugs and key chains depicting sugar skulls. Other Fall favorites that are back in stock at CWS include the Autumn scents from Root (Mulled Cider, Pumpkin Spice, and our new favorite Salted Caramel candles), and Coventry Creations Ghost Candles and Halloween candles! Stop in and pick up your Autumn needs!

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New Jewelry!

New Jewelry!

Hey, guys! Just letting you all know that we have an abundance of new jewelry in store right now. We have pretty much any pendant that your little heart desires. My personal new favorites are the Celtic Designs. Or the Amulets. Or the Basic brand. Okay. so maybe I can't choose a favorite... That just means I'll have to buy them all! Come in, take a look, and maybe go home with a new necklace!

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Memorial Day Weekend Sales!

Memorial Day Weekend Sales!

Hello all! We've got a couple of in-store sales going on at the Candle Wick Shoppe starting today (May 23rd) and ending on Sunday (May 25th). Starting today all of our wind chimes are 30% off and our Honeypot Luminaries are 10% off!

These wind chimes from SPI would look absolutely marvelous in your garden!


And these gorgeous Honeypots are perfect for lighting up your patio parties.

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Candles for Finals.

Candles for Finals.

Good morning everyone! For those of you in college, it's very likely that you're just finishing up your finals this week, and if that's the case, I've got some great candle choices for helping you through the end-of-the-semester stresses. 

  • Sweetgrass World Magic Candle: During this week, I find it's hard for students to stay positive while studying for their exams. Burn the Sweetgrass candle to promote those good feelings that you really do need during this stressful time.

    "Sweetgrass has been used for centuries by the Native American people to cleanse away the worries, stress and energies that keep us apart from the sweetness of life. It is burnt to bring forth the wisdom of all peoples of Turtle Island (the Americas). Placing this candle on your altar will inspire you to see the beauty that is present in your life. This awakened appreciation will illuminate new paths and answers that had been locked away. When you light this candle, sit in a quiet place and whisper all of your fears, anger, stress and inner ugliness toward the candle.The flame will remove these blocks, lighting the path to what is sweet and beautiful. Sit with this new energy, allowing it to seep into your very core. Extinguish the candle when you are done."

  • Ganesha World Magic Candle: I light the Ganesha candle whenever I hit those creative road blocks while writing papers or doing projects. Ganesha is here to help remove the obstacles that are keeping you from finishing these endeavors.

    "To appeal to Ganesha, light this candle and recite this prayer:

    Om sri Ganesha Namaha- Great Lord of Wisdom, Here I stand with so many decisions to make, with so many ways to turn. I beg your Grace. Please fill me with righteous judgment and clear discrimination as I lay all confusion at your feet and immerse myself solely in your being. Om Ganesha Saranam.

    Then close your eyes and bring this image into your mind. Speak directly to Ganesha and lay all your problems and questions at his feet. He will not answer you directly but will move through your life in mysterious ways, opening doors and influencing situations on your behalf. Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Give thanks and eat chocolate."

  • Energy & Will Blessed Herbal Candle: Light this candle with the Problem Solving Blessed Herbal Candle before those tough morning classes to give you that energy boost that coffee just hasn't been giving you lately. 

    "I call on forces higher than I, to awaken the vitality that I hold inside. To strengthen my will and bring energy to me, motion is what I need to be. Passion & Fire to spur me on, send me these energies from beyond. I call on thee in perfect trust & love, sending me guidance from above."

  • Stability Blessed Herbal Candle: Light this candle during your downtime for a little bit of grounding; relax. 

    "I call on forces greater than I, to awaken the confidence that I hold inside. Ground in me your great strength, help me be stable and my soul to wake. Lift my spirits & help me be strong, so that I may learn your healing song. In perfect balance do all things live, instill this in me, so like you I can give."
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Em's Picks : Altar Tiles

Em's Picks : Altar Tiles

Altar tiles hold a variety of uses depending on the user and the user's intent. They can be used or anything from a coaster to hold libation, to a focusing object to be used during rituals. The come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, materials, and even spiritual/religious reference. Altar tiles can be symbolic of deities, or even used to consecrate tools, herbs, or candles for the user's personal altar and beliefs.

The uses for altar tiles are endless. They are so easily adapted to what the user wants and needs. This is just one of the reason I love them. b2ap3_thumbnail_006.JPG

Here at Candle Wick, we've recently added a few to our line that we offer. We have a variety of sizes, material, and designs. I've already acquired one of these beauties for myself. 


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Breanna's Picks: Vintage Clocks.

Breanna's Picks: Vintage Clocks.

No clock too big, no clock too small, come to Candle Wick we have them all!

We recently brought some lovely vintage clocks into the shop and they are too gorgeous not to share with all of you. Each clock varies in size and styles; some look like something out of the Baroque period whilst others look more Victorian. All of them are battery operated, and range from $15.95 to $24.95 in price and are selling fast. They make a great addition to your home and match well with just about any decor. I'm buying one for myself, so you better come on down before the one you want is gone! 

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