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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Votivo Moroccan Fig Candles 15% OFF This Week ONLY!! IN-Store Special

Burning this candle, I am immediately in the market place in Morocco. This earthy, yet spicy, aroma makes me want to reach out and touch a traditional hand-woven rug along the Moroccan streets.  Permeating and gentle, this candle will surely invigorate your senses. Perfect for burning during a bubble bath or with wine and a great book!


--Candle Wick Shoppe Associate


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7 Day Candles: A How-To

7 Day Candles: A How-To

Hello all! 7 Day candles are back at Candle Wick Shoppe, by popular demand, and we've been getting lots of questions about them, and I'm writing this to answer a few of them! 

What do the different colors mean?

Red: Love, attraction and passion.
Pink: Self love and wishes.
Yellow: Happiness and positive energy.
Green: Money draw and earth connections.
Blue: Court case magic, truth, and communication.
Purple: Psychic awareness and good judgement. 
Brown: Court case magic and grounding.
Black: Protection and hexing.
White: Healing and cleansing.

How do I use a 7 Day?

Pick the candle color based on what you are doing, then the herbs and oils. I'll use Money magic as an example; you would want to get a green 7 Day candle, at least three herbs, and between one and three oils (you usually only need one, if you used the herbs). Mix the herbs together (for Money Draw work, I'd use High John root, Patchouli and Five Finger Grass), and put a Money Draw oil on the candle, then put the herb mixture on the top of the candle. Use any extra herbs/oil in a sachet or mojo bag and carry it with you, and burn the candle for seven days. I recommend starting on a Sunday, and finishing the candle the next Saturday, to finish out the week.

Does the color matter that much?

I want to say yes, but sometimes there are other factors that come into play when you're about to buy your candle. For instance, you might know that green is the 7 Day color you should use for money, but you feel like the red one would work better for you. OR we could be out of brown 7 Day candles; how are you going to do that court case magic now!? Blue will work just as well. Take into account how you feel and what symbolizes what to you too.



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Our Herbs are Wicked Good.

Our Herbs are Wicked Good.

I could never resist a good pun. Hence, the title.

My staff pick for this month is our selection of Wicked Good herbs, which means that until February 21st, they're all 15% off! We bag these herbs in the shop, and put nothing but good energy into them. The newest editions to the herbs under this label are the Vanilla Bean (used for love magic) and the Mojo Wish Bean (used for wish/money magic); both of which are only two dollars. 

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Hello all! This month our staff pick is on all of our stones and crystals. This means that until Saturday (January 17th) they will be 15% off. 

While I was deciding on what I wanted to pick this week, I found myself wandering around the store with a Smokey Quartz sphere in my hand, and it occurred to me that I've rarely written about the stones, so here we are!

In case you've never used stones in your magical/daily activities, they're wonderful for the witch-on-the-go, especially if you're too busy to do candle or herb work. Whenever I my schedule gets super busy, I tend to work more with stones than candles; I carry them in my pocket or wear them in necklace cages, etc. Here's a short list of some of my favorite stones; I use these for almost anything. From love and money matters to healing and prosperity, these stones get you going:

  • Moonstone: Use Moonstone to balance your emotions on those overwhelming days. This stone is an emotional stabilizer and is also very soothing to have on you. 
  • Gold Tiger's Eye: This stone is great for courage, creativity and strength, but one of it's minor uses is protection while traveling. It's that very reason, however, that I often find myself wearing it in new situations. Traveling doesn't necessarily have to be from place-to-place; traveling outside of your comfort zone also takes a lot of courage, and Tiger's Eye is perfect for that.
  • Quartz Stones: There are many kinds of Quartz stones, but I find Rose Quartz and Rutilated Quartz the most helpful during those stressful times. Rose Quartz, often used for attracting love, also works in your favor by helping you with self love. Rutilated Quartz eases fears and worries, as well as anxieties.
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Em's Staff pick of the Week!!!- Wall Scrolls

Em's Staff pick of the Week!!!- Wall Scrolls

So I was sitting and thinking, what can I pick, that we have in the store, that I absolutely love, and I haven't picked yet? Then it hit me, Wall Scrolls!!! I like to say I'm grumpy in the morning. Coffee and caffeine don't quite do the trick. I have book of inspirational quotes for the smart alack. I have to listen to some music with high energy (usually metal of some sort) and read a quote to get my morning giggle in. Not too long a go, I found a scroll that I absolutely loved, bought it, and now reading that scroll is apart of my morning giggle/ happy though before coffee. So, I've decided to spread the love and share the scrolls at 15% off in store only for the New Year kick start. Sale starts January 4th and ends January 10th.

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Breanna's Picks: Incense from Prabhuji's Gifts

Breanna's Picks: Incense from Prabhuji's Gifts

Prabhuji's Gifts has the perfect scent for whatever mood you are in. These incenses can go from earthy or soothing scents to lively, sweet and spicy smells. Some of my favorites include:

Balarama: Named after the elder brother of Krishna, Clove and Lemongrass create a calm, citrusy incense.

Gokula: Myrrh, Vanilla and Tulsi make this earthy combination the perfect meditation incense.

Hari: Brought together in this incense, Amber and Sandalwood are the ideal combination for clearing negativity from  your space and bringing positive energy in to take its place.

Yamuna: Vanilla, Copal and Amber bring into being a sweet and earthy atmosphere.

Each one is available here on the Candle Wick Shoppe website, and there are twelve sticks to a package.

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Breanna's Picks: Tarot Card Necklace Charms

Breanna's Picks: Tarot Card Necklace Charms

Dragonfly Garage's necklace charms are gorgeous, and one of their lines includes two sided charms with a tarot card on each side. I often find myself looking at them and trying to figure out what these pairs represent together, and after some reading, I think I've come to understand the card combinations a little bit better.

Queen of Wands & II of Swords:

Together the energy from these two cards can help one in business endeavors, matters of love and in prosperity work. The II of Swords is a very stubborn card; an obstacle that is impossible to move, and wearing it will help one to know that one must gather their bearings before taking action. Whereas the Queen of Wands symbolizes confidence in femininity. 

The Chariot & Page of Wands:

The Chariot symbolizes a journey; it could be a journey spiritual in origin, or it could be a trip to the place of your dreams, either way, the Chariot and the Page of Wands can get you where you desire to be in both life and in location. The Page assists one in thinking creatively in this journey.

Queen of Cups & IV of Cups:

The Queen of Cups symbolizes everything that is caring about a person. She is heedful  and an excellent guide, especially for a personality like the IV of Cups, who is quite disappointed, despite their accomplishments. Together these cards can help one with issues of balance or apathy, and help one realize how much potential they have and what they've already accomplished.

The Star & The Tower:

I needed a little bit of help with this one, in all honesty. I couldn't find anything positive to say about The Tower card, and I asked one of our owners, Jacki Smith, what she thought of the combination of the two cards, and she said "As you're getting rid of things, amazing things happen." It hadn't occurred to me that together, these cards represent finding a silver lining. 

These charms cost $18.00 and are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe! Stop by and ask us about our charms.

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Breanna's Picks: HEM Incense!

Breanna's Picks: HEM Incense!

Hello all! This week our staff pick is all of our incense from HEM, which means that all scents from this company that we have in our store is 15% off. We have a variety of great scents, and some of our favorites include their amber incense, vanilla, patchouli and dragon's blood incenses. Each box contains twenty sticks (and we do have some holiday scents in that are eight sticks a box). Come on in and pick up some new scents!

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Em's Staff pick of the Week!!!

Em's Staff pick of the Week!!!

Well Hello Lovelies!!!! It's getting colder, and you know what that means. Time to snuggle up with a blanket, cup of hot cocoa and a few warm scented candles burning around as you relax in your footed Batman PJ's. Ok, I may be the only one with the footed Batman PJ's, but you get the idea. So from November 9th to November 15th  the instore special will be Root's Fall scent collection. Come in to the store and get 15% off of any root fall scent candle.

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What's Em Burning Now?

What's Em Burning Now?

Hey there Lovelies. Lately, I've been trying to manifest a few things that would make life in general more comfortable. Yeah, comfortable would be the word I'm looking for. I'll just come out and say it. I've been trying to get a new car. So I've been burning a combination of Lakshmi, Blessed Herbal Attraction, and Blessed Herbal Stability, all of which I've anointed with Blessed Herbal Attraction Oil, Witch's Brew Dragon's blood oil, and Motor City Hoo Doo Road Opener Oil. I wrote my intention on all three candles with a push pin. My Lakshmi has been torching pretty hard. 

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Emily's September Staff Pick: Statues

Emily's September Staff Pick: Statues

Hey there Lovelies! From September 1st to September 10 I'm in charge of the Staff pick sale! So this time I'm picking The Statues!!! That's right lovelies, every statue in the store is 15% off!!! So no mater your preference, come take home something Gorgeous to adorn your home with!!! 

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This weeks Staff Pick : Root

This weeks Staff Pick : Root

Hey There Guys! It's my turn for the staff pick sale! Root Beeswax candles I CHOOSE YOU!! :: in my best Pokemon master impression:: There is an amazing range of smells from relaxing to omg what are you baking. They are 100% all natural beeswax, and from August 18 to August 25 they are 15% off for in store sales. So if you are in the area, stop by and grab a couple, because these little beauties don't go on sale very often.

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Candles for Finals.

Candles for Finals.

Good morning everyone! For those of you in college, it's very likely that you're just finishing up your finals this week, and if that's the case, I've got some great candle choices for helping you through the end-of-the-semester stresses. 

  • Sweetgrass World Magic Candle: During this week, I find it's hard for students to stay positive while studying for their exams. Burn the Sweetgrass candle to promote those good feelings that you really do need during this stressful time.

    "Sweetgrass has been used for centuries by the Native American people to cleanse away the worries, stress and energies that keep us apart from the sweetness of life. It is burnt to bring forth the wisdom of all peoples of Turtle Island (the Americas). Placing this candle on your altar will inspire you to see the beauty that is present in your life. This awakened appreciation will illuminate new paths and answers that had been locked away. When you light this candle, sit in a quiet place and whisper all of your fears, anger, stress and inner ugliness toward the candle.The flame will remove these blocks, lighting the path to what is sweet and beautiful. Sit with this new energy, allowing it to seep into your very core. Extinguish the candle when you are done."

  • Ganesha World Magic Candle: I light the Ganesha candle whenever I hit those creative road blocks while writing papers or doing projects. Ganesha is here to help remove the obstacles that are keeping you from finishing these endeavors.

    "To appeal to Ganesha, light this candle and recite this prayer:

    Om sri Ganesha Namaha- Great Lord of Wisdom, Here I stand with so many decisions to make, with so many ways to turn. I beg your Grace. Please fill me with righteous judgment and clear discrimination as I lay all confusion at your feet and immerse myself solely in your being. Om Ganesha Saranam.

    Then close your eyes and bring this image into your mind. Speak directly to Ganesha and lay all your problems and questions at his feet. He will not answer you directly but will move through your life in mysterious ways, opening doors and influencing situations on your behalf. Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Give thanks and eat chocolate."

  • Energy & Will Blessed Herbal Candle: Light this candle with the Problem Solving Blessed Herbal Candle before those tough morning classes to give you that energy boost that coffee just hasn't been giving you lately. 

    "I call on forces higher than I, to awaken the vitality that I hold inside. To strengthen my will and bring energy to me, motion is what I need to be. Passion & Fire to spur me on, send me these energies from beyond. I call on thee in perfect trust & love, sending me guidance from above."

  • Stability Blessed Herbal Candle: Light this candle during your downtime for a little bit of grounding; relax. 

    "I call on forces greater than I, to awaken the confidence that I hold inside. Ground in me your great strength, help me be stable and my soul to wake. Lift my spirits & help me be strong, so that I may learn your healing song. In perfect balance do all things live, instill this in me, so like you I can give."
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Em's Picks: Oils and Burners

Em's Picks: Oils and Burners

If you in anyway follow my blog, you know my obsession with versatility in spiritual tools. Todays topic revolves something that can be both spiritual and non-spiritual. You can simply use them to create an AMAZING smelling environment. I am speaking about essential oils/oil blends, and oil burners. 

In my time working for the Candle Wick Shoppe, I have encountered many customers who were interested in oils and burners for various reasons. Not all of those customers knew how to use an oil burner or even the oils. 

Let's start with essential oils. There are so many uses for essential oils, that this humble blog post may have to turn into a series just to do them an ounce of justice. I always recommend research before using any product. When it comes to oils, I recommend researching if a chosen oil is skin safe, artificial, blended, etc., so you will know what type of use can be applied. I like to make sure my oils are skin safe. Why, you ask? Because I like to wear my oils as well as use them in an oil burner. They can be used for anointing during rituals, or used in place of perfume or cologne.I have my favorite oil blend which has it's own intended purpose.b2ap3_thumbnail_005_20140329-184215_1.JPG


When it comes to oil burners, you want a sturdy, stable base that is heat/ flame proof and safe to burn a tea light candle under. NEVER leave a flame UNATTENDED!!!! That is extremely important. When it comes to the bowl that holds the oils, I prefer one that is detachable to help with easy clean up, but that is simply a personal preference. When heating oils, I always recommend placing a small amount of water in the bowl as well as a few drops of oil. This does a few things. One, it insures a customizable level of fragrance. Two, it prevents the oil from scorching and leaving a horrid burnt oil smell. Three, EASY CLEAN UP!!

Here at Candle Wick, we have a great variety of oils, and more than a few burners. Why not stop by and peruse our selection.

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Em's Picks: The Phurpa

Em's Picks: The Phurpa

A Tibetan Ritual Tool also referred to as a magic dart. Its used for destroying and slaying negative vibrations and evil forces. In present day, Phurpas are also used as a silent instrument in Feng Shui for protection. Little tidbit of pop culture did-ja-know, the Phurpa is actually featured in a popular movie from the 80's.b2ap3_thumbnail_emurphyphurpa.jpg

Forty points if you can name that movie. Extra points for quotes and the name of that Phurpa.

I'll be honest, carry one around like my name is Linus. I normally blog on the items I find to have a vast amount of versatility, however, this lovely dagger has had such an impact on my own positive vibrations that I felt I needed to share. We have a few left in the store, and I am positively in LOVE with them.

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Em's Picks: Travel Altar?!?!?!?

Em's Picks: Travel Altar?!?!?!?

What's that you said? You want to be able to practice your craft, but hate that your altar won't fit into your back pocket? Well, here's a nifty idea for you. Why not make a travel altar. As always with anything I write about, these little gems are very easy to customize to your individual needs. 


This is just an example of what you can do to make yourself a travel altar. Grab a small box , decorate as you wish or buy one ready made (this lovely box and it's contents are available at the Candle Wick Shoppe, everything is sold separately) and add whatever you would like to have in your travel altar. Try some oil, a tiny altar tile, incense, a gem, a small feather and sage,whatever is small enough to fit in the box you have chosen. The possibilities are only limited to what you can't think of or fit in your box.
It's incredibly convenient for those times when you have the urge to practice and you are away from your traditional sized altar. I've even seen travel altars made out of breath mint tins that were decorated! It's all up to the person creating it and what they want. So have fun with it. The sky is the limit.

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Breanna's Picks: Vintage Clocks.

Breanna's Picks: Vintage Clocks.

No clock too big, no clock too small, come to Candle Wick we have them all!

We recently brought some lovely vintage clocks into the shop and they are too gorgeous not to share with all of you. Each clock varies in size and styles; some look like something out of the Baroque period whilst others look more Victorian. All of them are battery operated, and range from $15.95 to $24.95 in price and are selling fast. They make a great addition to your home and match well with just about any decor. I'm buying one for myself, so you better come on down before the one you want is gone! 

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Breanna's Picks: Evil Eyes.

Breanna's Picks: Evil Eyes.

The term "Evil Eye" is used for both a look of jealousy or envy one gives another, and the charms used to protect one from such a look. In this case, I would be referring to the latter. Here at Candle Wick we love our Evil Eyes and we have quite a few, and we even have an Evil Eye protection candle from Coventry Creations. Many cultures in the Middle East and Eastern Europe have ways of protecting themselves from the aforementioned Evil Eye look that include the charms we have in our shop. They are often put on the front door or in a window, and people often put them on the door of a newborn child's room to keep them safe. I have Evil Eyes at home and in my car, just for general protection from outside forces. They bring great peace of mind, and have also been known to bring in good energy and luck.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand we have them in six different sizes, depending on where you wish to hang your Evil Eye.

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Yule: A Celebration of Light & Warmth - Breanna's Picks.

Yule: A Celebration of Light & Warmth - Breanna's Picks.

Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth was the first book of Dorothy Morrison's that I had ever read, and after having read it numerous times it is still one of my absolute favorites; it is an incredibly informative novel on the Holiday season and the different traditions from both the past and the present and from various cultures around the world. With the holidays once again sneaking up on us, this is a must have for those of you who are new to Wicca and Paganism, as well as an important book for experienced practitioners. 

Yule covers everything from the history of Yule, the necessary preparations for the season and delightful quick and easy gift ideas, to a daily event calendar for the entire month of December. Prepare yourself for 198 pages of fascinating information that is sure to get you more than ready for the Yuletide season.

Here are some of the interesting facts you'll find throughout the book; these are from the chapter on Yuletide Trivia and Fun Facts:

  • Donder (not Donner), which means thunder, was the original name of the reindeer who helped pull Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve. He was paired with Blitzen, whose name means lightning.
  • The custom of Santa eating cookies on Christmas Eve originated in Germany where trees were decorated with fruit, flowers, and sweet confections. After leaving gifts for good children, he'd simply help himself to the goodies on the tree!
  • St. Nick doesn't get a vacation after the winter holidays. Since he's also the patron saint responsible for Greece, Russia, sailors, merchants, pawnbrokers, bakers, prisoners, children, and wolves, he's a very busy spirit year 'round. 
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Breanna's Picks: Burn the Buddha!

Breanna's Picks: Burn the Buddha!

I love all of the Buddha-related things we have at the shop, but I believe the beeswax Burn-the-Buddha's are my absolute favorite. When you burn a Buddha figure candle it means that you are letting go of something, mainly letting go of material thoughts and possessions. Buddha teaches us to not get attached to material things, and I think it's very important that, from time to time, we take a look at the things we have and give some of it away. I personally light a Burn-the-Buddha whenever I decide it's about time to clean house and take some things to Good Will, and since the upcoming season is one of giving, I thought this would be the perfect time to tell everyone about these candles.

So, come on! Light the wick and clean out your closet. You'll be glad you did.


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