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Yule: A Celebration of Light & Warmth - Breanna's Picks.

Yule: A Celebration of Light & Warmth - Breanna's Picks.

Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth was the first book of Dorothy Morrison's that I had ever read, and after having read it numerous times it is still one of my absolute favorites; it is an incredibly informative novel on the Holiday season and the different traditions from both the past and the present and from various cultures around the world. With the holidays once again sneaking up on us, this is a must have for those of you who are new to Wicca and Paganism, as well as an important book for experienced practitioners. 

Yule covers everything from the history of Yule, the necessary preparations for the season and delightful quick and easy gift ideas, to a daily event calendar for the entire month of December. Prepare yourself for 198 pages of fascinating information that is sure to get you more than ready for the Yuletide season.

Here are some of the interesting facts you'll find throughout the book; these are from the chapter on Yuletide Trivia and Fun Facts:

  • Donder (not Donner), which means thunder, was the original name of the reindeer who helped pull Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve. He was paired with Blitzen, whose name means lightning.
  • The custom of Santa eating cookies on Christmas Eve originated in Germany where trees were decorated with fruit, flowers, and sweet confections. After leaving gifts for good children, he'd simply help himself to the goodies on the tree!
  • St. Nick doesn't get a vacation after the winter holidays. Since he's also the patron saint responsible for Greece, Russia, sailors, merchants, pawnbrokers, bakers, prisoners, children, and wolves, he's a very busy spirit year 'round. 
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