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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.



Hello all! This month our staff pick is on all of our stones and crystals. This means that until Saturday (January 17th) they will be 15% off. 

While I was deciding on what I wanted to pick this week, I found myself wandering around the store with a Smokey Quartz sphere in my hand, and it occurred to me that I've rarely written about the stones, so here we are!

In case you've never used stones in your magical/daily activities, they're wonderful for the witch-on-the-go, especially if you're too busy to do candle or herb work. Whenever I my schedule gets super busy, I tend to work more with stones than candles; I carry them in my pocket or wear them in necklace cages, etc. Here's a short list of some of my favorite stones; I use these for almost anything. From love and money matters to healing and prosperity, these stones get you going:

  • Moonstone: Use Moonstone to balance your emotions on those overwhelming days. This stone is an emotional stabilizer and is also very soothing to have on you. 
  • Gold Tiger's Eye: This stone is great for courage, creativity and strength, but one of it's minor uses is protection while traveling. It's that very reason, however, that I often find myself wearing it in new situations. Traveling doesn't necessarily have to be from place-to-place; traveling outside of your comfort zone also takes a lot of courage, and Tiger's Eye is perfect for that.
  • Quartz Stones: There are many kinds of Quartz stones, but I find Rose Quartz and Rutilated Quartz the most helpful during those stressful times. Rose Quartz, often used for attracting love, also works in your favor by helping you with self love. Rutilated Quartz eases fears and worries, as well as anxieties.
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More Mojo!

More Mojo!

Hello, all! I've been on a writing kick for the last few days, and when my creative gears start moving, they usually start with my mojo bag creations. Here are a few unique mojo bag ideas I've been working with based on the herbs we have in the Candle Wick Shoppe. If you're wondering if we have herbs that could help you with what you are working on, or that focus on something specific, please feel free to contact us on facebook with your questions.

A Dream Mojo Bag: Add wormwood to this mojo bag for prophetic dreams.

  • Chamomile: Draws you into a peaceful sleep.
  • Mullein: Use to keep away nightmares. 
  • Rosemary: The herb of remembrance; using this will help you to remember your dreams.
  • Sage: Will create more vivid dreams.
  • Amethyst: For intuition and wisdom; will assist you with understanding your dreams.

For Studying/Tests: 

  • Vervain: Assists one with retaining knowledge.
  • Calendula: Add this to your mojo bag for a little bit of positive energy; studying tends to create a lot of stressful energy, and you want to counter that. The herb also helps one to concentrate. 
  • Scullcap: Promotes peace and relaxation.
  • Bay Leaf (ground): Add a little bit of ground bay leaf for success in your endeavors.
  • Mahogany Obsidian: The finishing touch; add this for grounding and concentration. 

To Bring Paying Clients:

  • Jezebel Root: Attracts wealthy patrons. 
  • Patchouli: "Patchouli's grounded energy helps you be your true divine self, thus attracting people and promoting their cooperation and possible partnership."
  • High John Root: Brings luck; often a base for money mojo bags.
  • Raw Garnet: Promotes success in business affairs.
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