Prabhuji's Gifts has the perfect scent for whatever mood you are in. These incenses can go from earthy or soothing scents to lively, sweet and spicy smells. Some of my favorites include:
Balarama: Named after the elder brother of Krishna, Clove and Lemongrass create a calm, citrusy incense.
Gokula: Myrrh, Vanilla and Tulsi make this earthy combination the perfect meditation incense.
Hari: Brought together in this incense, Amber and Sandalwood are the ideal combination for clearing negativity from your space and bringing positive energy in to take its place.
Yamuna: Vanilla, Copal and Amber bring into being a sweet and earthy atmosphere.
Each one is available here on the Candle Wick Shoppe website, and there are twelve sticks to a package.
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