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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

I believe in magic

LTM I believe in magicI love being a witch! I love believing in magic and magic believing in me. I love walking into a room of business executives and telling them that I help them awaken their inner magic. I love that I embrace my challenges with a mix of practicality and witchy-ness.

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© 2018-03-20 14:27:41

  1394 Hits

7 Day Candles: A How-To

7 Day Candles: A How-To

Hello all! 7 Day candles are back at Candle Wick Shoppe, by popular demand, and we've been getting lots of questions about them, and I'm writing this to answer a few of them! 

What do the different colors mean?

Red: Love, attraction and passion.
Pink: Self love and wishes.
Yellow: Happiness and positive energy.
Green: Money draw and earth connections.
Blue: Court case magic, truth, and communication.
Purple: Psychic awareness and good judgement. 
Brown: Court case magic and grounding.
Black: Protection and hexing.
White: Healing and cleansing.

How do I use a 7 Day?

Pick the candle color based on what you are doing, then the herbs and oils. I'll use Money magic as an example; you would want to get a green 7 Day candle, at least three herbs, and between one and three oils (you usually only need one, if you used the herbs). Mix the herbs together (for Money Draw work, I'd use High John root, Patchouli and Five Finger Grass), and put a Money Draw oil on the candle, then put the herb mixture on the top of the candle. Use any extra herbs/oil in a sachet or mojo bag and carry it with you, and burn the candle for seven days. I recommend starting on a Sunday, and finishing the candle the next Saturday, to finish out the week.

Does the color matter that much?

I want to say yes, but sometimes there are other factors that come into play when you're about to buy your candle. For instance, you might know that green is the 7 Day color you should use for money, but you feel like the red one would work better for you. OR we could be out of brown 7 Day candles; how are you going to do that court case magic now!? Blue will work just as well. Take into account how you feel and what symbolizes what to you too.



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Our Herbs are Wicked Good.

Our Herbs are Wicked Good.

I could never resist a good pun. Hence, the title.

My staff pick for this month is our selection of Wicked Good herbs, which means that until February 21st, they're all 15% off! We bag these herbs in the shop, and put nothing but good energy into them. The newest editions to the herbs under this label are the Vanilla Bean (used for love magic) and the Mojo Wish Bean (used for wish/money magic); both of which are only two dollars. 

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