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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

IN STORE Special Fresh Wave Odor Eliminator 15% OFF This Week ONLY!

I love the way  Fresh Wave eliminates odor in a hurry! I can set it and forget it. Using the Carpet Shake makes my house smell like spring year round!

Fresh Wave Natural Odor Eliminator comes in a Crystal gel available in 8oz and 16oz sizes. Just remove the foil, set it, and forget it! Fresh Wave Natural Odor Eliminator is also available in a convenient Home and Travel Spray and Carpet Shake: perfect for getting rid of the after-holiday smells of upcoming Labor Day!



--Candle Wick Shoppe Associate


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A Beacon in the Magical Community

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Jacki Smith is one of my most important rol models. As someone who aspires to be an entreprenuer in the magical and spiritual communiity, she is a great person to watch and learn from. Her motivation and ambition is inspirational. I can feel her powerful magic before she arrives just to say "Hi!" and check on the store. She is very dedicated to her craft and business,  and that makes you feel protected, nurtured and included. I can only dream to be as successful and icredible as Jacki Smith. I would love to thank her for allowing me to be part of the Candle Wick Shoppe family and wish her a Fantastic Month of Jacki!



Candle Wick Shoppe Associate

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Shannon's Staff Pick

Shannon's Staff Pick

Okay, guys. This is how it goes. I get to tell you what my favorite thing in the store right now is. Ready? Alright, my staff pick is the Cleo Mae candle! I chose this candle because it's all about empowerment and attraction. This candle will help any woman succeed in domination. Not only will it give you power, but combine that with a high-powered attractant and you've got it made! Just be careful, though. You might get more power than you're ready for! You may just want to use it in small doses. Either way, get ready, because here you come!

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Em's Picks : Altar Bells

Em's Picks : Altar Bells

Altar Bells are used in a variety of different rituals and religions. They can be used to signify transition, clear the air of negativity and even as a part of the ritual. They come in a variety of sizes and tones. I recommend using a bell which has a tone that sounds best to you. Each bell's tone resonates differently for each user. Once again one of those items I find to be versatile and useful. I have my favorite from our line we offer, but I'll let you come on in and see what calls to you.

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Em's Picks : Altar Tiles

Em's Picks : Altar Tiles

Altar tiles hold a variety of uses depending on the user and the user's intent. They can be used or anything from a coaster to hold libation, to a focusing object to be used during rituals. The come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, materials, and even spiritual/religious reference. Altar tiles can be symbolic of deities, or even used to consecrate tools, herbs, or candles for the user's personal altar and beliefs.

The uses for altar tiles are endless. They are so easily adapted to what the user wants and needs. This is just one of the reason I love them. b2ap3_thumbnail_006.JPG

Here at Candle Wick, we've recently added a few to our line that we offer. We have a variety of sizes, material, and designs. I've already acquired one of these beauties for myself. 


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