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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

A Beacon in the Magical Community

Jacki2 Resized

Jacki Smith is one of my most important rol models. As someone who aspires to be an entreprenuer in the magical and spiritual communiity, she is a great person to watch and learn from. Her motivation and ambition is inspirational. I can feel her powerful magic before she arrives just to say "Hi!" and check on the store. She is very dedicated to her craft and business,  and that makes you feel protected, nurtured and included. I can only dream to be as successful and icredible as Jacki Smith. I would love to thank her for allowing me to be part of the Candle Wick Shoppe family and wish her a Fantastic Month of Jacki!



Candle Wick Shoppe Associate

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