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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

A Beacon in the Magical Community

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Jacki Smith is one of my most important rol models. As someone who aspires to be an entreprenuer in the magical and spiritual communiity, she is a great person to watch and learn from. Her motivation and ambition is inspirational. I can feel her powerful magic before she arrives just to say "Hi!" and check on the store. She is very dedicated to her craft and business,  and that makes you feel protected, nurtured and included. I can only dream to be as successful and icredible as Jacki Smith. I would love to thank her for allowing me to be part of the Candle Wick Shoppe family and wish her a Fantastic Month of Jacki!



Candle Wick Shoppe Associate

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Jacki Smith: The Witch's Witch


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I didn’t know Jacki before I started working here at the Candle Wick Shoppe. Even as a customer, I was unaware of this magnificent lady.  Working with Jacki has been filled with a wealth of priceless information. I had the great opportunity to work with Jacki a bit to help set up the Mojo Bar. Her process is an amazing thing to witness!  Then she trained me in the process of assisting customers with creating a Mojo Bag or Conjure Jar for their needs was nothing short of amazing.

 Jacki is extremely empowering, uplifting, and humble.   She celebrates other's successes, which is a fantastic thing to witness. Jacki's dedication to being of service to others, assisting them in manifesting their intentions is, yet, another great example of the type of woman she is. Not only has she enhanced my conjuring and magical life, but her example of service to others through love has

deepened my desire to be of further service to others.

Thank you for being awesomely you!



Candle Wick Shoppe Associate

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It’s a Dorothy Miracle!

It’s a Dorothy Miracle!

This is a new phrase we have around the Candle Wick Shop, born from the workshop Dorothy Morrison did at our store last February.   We packed the house with Dorothy’s fans and they bought us out of not only Dorothy Morrison products, but anything they could buy.  Literally there were people coming into the store for weeks stocking up on anything  and everything.  I have to say, that day’s sales were equivalent to 2 normal weeks.

Whenever we experience a sudden positive change in fortune, we exclaim “It’s a Dorothy Miracle!”.  Dorothy always gets a kick out of the phrase and then immediately counters with “Now Darlin’, I’ll tell you the secret of creating a Dorothy Miracle.”   I will advise you all to listen well to how to create a Dorothy Miracle – this could change your life, or at least your month.

According to the gospel of Dorothy, the way to create a Dorothy Miracle is to give of yourself with no expectation of return.  Host a free class, give to the poor or help someone move.  Do something outside of your immediate circle that is a little uncomfortable, causes a bit of a sacrifice.  That is how you create a Dorothy Miracle.  If you have heard Dorothy teach, you can hear her voice as she says;

“You need to do something that brings money to someone else, you need to just give it with love and you will see it come back to you in droves.  Giving makes you grateful for what you already have.”



Thanks Dorothy!  Bawk! Bawk!

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