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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Em's Life Mixes: Love Woes

Em's Life Mixes: Love Woes

So as everyone knows, I tend to write solely what I believe is able to be customized to situations. But what if you have a very specific situation that needs addressing? What if you need a little help finding what candles, herbs, stones etc. that would help you better the situation? Well I'm glad you asked! Usually, I'd tell you to come to the shop and allow me to pull something specific to your situation. Well, What if you can't get  to the shop? You may be an online customer. That doesn't mean that I have forgotten about you guys. I thought I would let you in on a tiny snippet of what I use for various situations in my life, and you could use that as a guide.

For the last couple weeks my honey and I have been a wee bit more that a little ruffled with each other. For various reasons we've had a little time apart. During that time apart, I decided to take advantage of all the advice I give to others in similar situations, and light some candles, take a bubble bath, and have a tasty libation of some sort.

Here's what I did. I grabbed my Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle, Love's Enchantment Blessed Herbal Candle , Energy and Will Blessed Herbal Candle, Heart Blessed Herbal Candle, and Healing Blessed Herbal Candle, grabbed my pie plate I use for candles only, rubbed on a couple drops of Everything and Then Some oil and set the wicks ablaze. I stated out loud my intention, which just so happened to be to smooth things out with my honey and return us to the happiness that was our norm, wrote down the specifics of our situation and burned the paper.

Pretty simple really. That can easily be customized to any woes that may be troubling you. Now go and smooth out and state your intention to the universe. If you never ask, how are you to receive?


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Em's tips: make your own mojo bag.

Em's tips: make your own mojo bag.

Here at the Candle Wick Shoppe, we have our lovely ready made mini Mojo bags ready to grab and go. However, what if we don't carry a bag that suits your needs? Maybe you just want to create your own version of what we have. Well friend, you're in luck. I'm going to tell you what to do to create your own Mojo bag.


All a Mojo bag really is is a bag of herbs, oils, and stones that are mixed together and empowered with the intention and energy of the maker for a specific use. You want to use a fabric in the color of your intention, along with herbs, oils and stones with the same intention. As you mix the herbs, oils, and stones together, you want to envision your intent and imagine your energy is flowing from your hands into the mixture. Feel free to light candles, invoke spirits/gods/ancestors/protectors as you are creating your own little magical pouch. This is your ritual, so please customize it to suit your needs and personal beliefs.

If you have been following my blogs, then you already know what I am going to say. That's right kiddies. These little gems are able to be customized to you. I always recommend doing your research on the herbs, oils, and stones you intend on using. We here at the Candle Wick Shoppe have an amazing selection to choose from, but you may be surprised at what you can find in your own back yard. 

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