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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Reiki Principle Number Seven.

b2ap3_thumbnail_7_reiki_principle_seven_candle_wick_shoppe.jpgReiki principle number seven: Applied daily, the body will respond, and whatever we wish to attain will be within reach.

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Reiki Principle Number Six.

b2ap3_thumbnail_6_reiki_principle_six_candle_wick_shoppe.jpgReiki principle number six: Reiki produces good health, happiness and security.

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Reiki Principle Number Five.

b2ap3_thumbnail_5_reiki_principle_five_candle_wick_shoppe.jpgReiki Principle Number Five: Show gratitude for everything.

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Kids who learn differently

Kids do learn differently and I was privileged to be around all the beautiful people who work really hard to make sure there are lots of options. We were at the Friends of Kids Who Learn Differently fair at Grove High School in Beverly Hills.

Emily and I chatted with parents of kids with special needs. We listened to stories of love, dedication, challenge and discovery.

What we shared was our desire to be of service with Coventry products and our Reiki Healing Center. To our delight a lot of parents had heard of Reiki and were willing to try it. Everyone agreed parents and kids alike can benefit from Reiki.

I didn't know if the Coventry candles would get on the participants radar but they did! My favorite customer was a 95 year old grandma who said our candles were something special and would be back with her pocketbook to purchase one. I giggled at her choice, the Attraction Love candle.

I believe we will be seeing some new faces at the Candle Wick Shoppe soon. Sigh what a great event!

Patty ShawSent from my iPhone

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Reiki Principle Number Four.

b2ap3_thumbnail_4_reiki_principle_four_candle_wick_shoppe.jpgReiki principle number four: Earn your living honestly.

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Reiki Principle Number Three.

b2ap3_thumbnail_3_reiki_principle_three_candle_wick_shoppe.jpgReiki principle number three: Honor your parents, teachers and elders.

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Reiki Principle Number Two.

b2ap3_thumbnail_2_reiki_principle_two_candle_wick_shoppe.jpgReiki Principle Number Two: Just for today, do not anger.

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Morning Coffee with Reiki: Reiki is not a religion.

b2ap3_thumbnail_reiki-is-not-a-religion.jpgReiki is not a religion, but it can become a spiritual practice if you'd like it to.

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Morning Coffee with Reiki: Reiki is always there.

b2ap3_thumbnail_reiki-is-always-there.jpgReiki is always there when you ask for it, without hesitation without judgment.

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Morning Coffee with Reiki: Reiki only needs a crack.

We have free will; and Reiki has to abide by that universal rule. But, being receptive can be pretty easy.  Reiki only needs a crack, not 100% surrender to get in.b2ap3_thumbnail_reiki-only-needs-a-crack.jpg

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Morning Coffee with Reiki: Reiki Energy Is Intelligent:

b2ap3_thumbnail_Reiki-energy-is-intellegent_20140928-223549_1.jpgReiki energy is intelligent, unconditionally loving and understanding.  It has no beginning and has no end.  It can feel like nothing or it can feel like a kiss from heaven.

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Reiki Principle Number One.

b2ap3_thumbnail_1_reiki_principle_one_candle_wick_shoppe.jpgReiki Principle Number One: Just for today, do not worry.

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Morning Coffee with Reiki: Every time you give Reiki:

b2ap3_thumbnail_Everytime-you-give-reiki.jpgMorning Coffee with Reiki: Every time you give Reiki, you get Reiki.

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Morning Coffee with Reiki: Bringing Reiki To The Problem

b2ap3_thumbnail_bringing-reiki-to-the-problem.jpgWhen we bring Reiki to our problem, the Reiki energy flows in and begins to soften the block, untangle the mess and give us the space we need to heal.

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