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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Weekly CMO Reading: May 7, 2017.

Hello all! This weeks Coventry Magic Oracle reading contained Lakshmi (World Magic), Angels (Affirmations), and Dragons Blood (Witches Brew).

Use the Lakshmi candle to bring some good and prosperous vibes, the Angels Affirmation to attract gentle confidence and the help you desire, and the Dragons Blood candle to allow good fortune to come into your life.

This Weeks Question: How do I bring good vibes into my daily life? 

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Weekly CMO Reading: April 23, 2017.

Hello all! The Coventry Magic Oracle for this week gave me the Adam & Eve Motor City Hoo Doo candle, The Love Affirmation candle, and the Fast Cash Wicked Witch Mojo candle, so it's looking like the next week is going to be a good one for love and prosperity!

Adam & Eve will amplify romantic feelings you and your partner have for each other; and is great for both rough patches and adding some more energy to what originally sparked the relationship.

The Love Affirmation opens us up to love of all sorts. Use this to let go of what is keeping you from letting love in.

The Fast Cash Wicked Witch Mojo candle reminds us that we can't live on love alone, but when you add money to the mix, anything is possible!

This Weeks Question: How do I want to experience love? 

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Coventry Magic Oracle - April 2, 2017

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Hello all! For this week, the CMO recommends  Spiritual Cleansing, Attraction/Love and Money Draw from the Blessed Herbal line. Welcome Spring by clearing away the Winter dreariness, attract good energy, and bring on some good fortune and stability for the new season! 

Question of the Week: What are you looking forward to this spring?

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This Weeks Coventry Magic Oracle Reading!

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Hello all! Here's your Coventry Magic Oracle reading for the week of March 12, 2017 to March 18, 2017.


This week I pulled the Witch's Brew Original, the Goddess Affirmation, and the Reversing Motor City Hoo Doo candle. It's time to empower yourself! The Reversing candle is to be used to send any negative energy back to its source. The Goddess candle is to bring out your inner Goddess, liberate yourself from these dark influences, while the Witch's Brew Original candle is to empower you and your magic during this period of recovery. 


Good luck! Stop by Candle Wick for these candles. We have the remedy for what ails your soul.

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Weekly Coventry Oracle Reading!

Weekly Coventry Oracle Reading!

This week marks the first of many weekly readings that I will be doing with the Coventry Magic Oracle deck from Coventry Creations. As many of you know, we have a copy in the store, and if you are feeling indecisive or looking for guidance, this deck helps you pick the candles you need, and how to use them for love, prosperity, protection, healing, and clearing.

This week, with a Retrograde in effect, I felt that it would be best to go with a Healing reading.

Card One: Lakshmi World Magic Candle

Lakshmi's healing comes with the relief of stress around financial issues. Call to Lakshmi in her eight manifestations of wealth

Card Two: Road Opener Motor City Hoo Doo Candle

You want your healers and doctors to know exactly how to help you and bring you back to good health.

Card Three: Soul Mate Affirmation Candle

It's time to heal your soul and all the times you've abandoned yourself over being hurt.

Try the online Oracle for free at


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Em's Picks: Coventry Magic Oracle To the Rescue

Em's Picks: Coventry Magic Oracle To the Rescue

So you know you need a little magic but you aren't quite sure what you need. Never fear, Coventry Magic Oracle is here. Both in store and on the Coventry Creations website, the Magic Oracle is a tool that is used to help you find the help you need. And the best part, it's absolutely free to use! Similar to a three card tarot spread, you pick what category you need help in, pick one of the three spreads, and then you pick the three cards that call to you. Simple, easy to use, and now ONLINE.

The Link Is Below! So go on over, try it out, and see what the universe wants to bring your way.

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