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Candle Wick Shoppe Blog

Thoughts, staff picks, and lots of fun.

Weekly CMO Reading: May 7, 2017.

Hello all! This weeks Coventry Magic Oracle reading contained Lakshmi (World Magic), Angels (Affirmations), and Dragons Blood (Witches Brew).

Use the Lakshmi candle to bring some good and prosperous vibes, the Angels Affirmation to attract gentle confidence and the help you desire, and the Dragons Blood candle to allow good fortune to come into your life.

This Weeks Question: How do I bring good vibes into my daily life? 

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Weekly Coventry Oracle Reading!

Weekly Coventry Oracle Reading!

This week marks the first of many weekly readings that I will be doing with the Coventry Magic Oracle deck from Coventry Creations. As many of you know, we have a copy in the store, and if you are feeling indecisive or looking for guidance, this deck helps you pick the candles you need, and how to use them for love, prosperity, protection, healing, and clearing.

This week, with a Retrograde in effect, I felt that it would be best to go with a Healing reading.

Card One: Lakshmi World Magic Candle

Lakshmi's healing comes with the relief of stress around financial issues. Call to Lakshmi in her eight manifestations of wealth

Card Two: Road Opener Motor City Hoo Doo Candle

You want your healers and doctors to know exactly how to help you and bring you back to good health.

Card Three: Soul Mate Affirmation Candle

It's time to heal your soul and all the times you've abandoned yourself over being hurt.

Try the online Oracle for free at


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